Physical Therapy
Improving your musculoskeletal functions is what our Physical Therapists will focus on. We provide treatment for a variety of disabilities, mobility limitations, injuries and congenital conditions through services that include but not limited to:
- Muscle Toning and Coordination
- Lymphedema Management and Care
- Orthotics and Prosthetics Fitting
- Home Safety Evaluation
- Sports Rehabilitation Therapy
- Gait and Stair Training
- Enhancement of Physical Strength
- Aerobic Capacity
- Mobility Assistive Devices Training
- Post-Surgical Treatment and Care
- ADL Skills / Self Care Skills Training
- Pediatric Therapy
- Active and Passive Joint Mobility Training
- Posture Correction
Please call Angels Health Care, Inc. to arrange for Physical Therapy or Rehabilitative treatment. We will be happy to assess your needs and provide a suitable treatment or care plan without having to require you to leave your own home. Our helpful staff may be reached at 410-391-8457.